Pacific Northwest Golf Packages

Pacific Northwest Highlights

Could any air feel better than the air in Seattle or Portland right when you land in summer or fall?  Wait—you mean you have never experienced this for yourself?  Well then do we have a treat for you!  The Pacific Northwest in previous times did not even register as an afterthought in the world of golf travel but that changed quickly with the arrival of Bandon Dunes resort in Oregon.  Now that Chambers Bay has hit the world stage, every golfer who lives with high summer humidity needs to head up here!  What you generally find in summer and fall in the Pacific Northwest are cool, crisp temperatures, dry air, lots of sunshine, and scenery that will leave you both breathless and wondering why you never before thought to visit this wonderful region of the US.  You also find some of the most stunning golf courses you could ever hope to play and in Seattle you can also experience a true world-city with a cosmopolitan flair that you might have thought you had to leave the country in order to find.  Start with Chambers Bay this year, Bandon Dunes next year, include Victoria in Canada the year after that, and you may find that a trip to the Pacific Northwest to help escape the summer heat at home becomes your new “annual”!

Start Planning Your Trip!    

Chambers Bay Golf Course, Washington

Chambers Bay Golf Course, Chambers Creek Road West, University Place, WA, United States


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